Clarity Blueprint

Are you passively going about your days each week, or are you intentional about moving toward a clear vision? What I have come to learn is that those who are living healthy, fulfilled lives take time to set clear goals. They are intentional about who they show up as and what their actions are each day.

Take an honest inventory and ask yourself:

Where are you today?

Where do you want to be?

Why do you want to be there?

What actions are you taking today to move you there?

Change is a choice.

Once you start eating real, whole, nourishing foods, your body chemistry begins to change. You start to have more energy and feel more vibrant. This new energy will often lead you to be more motivated to move your body regularly.

Exercising intelligently (diversifying your movement, not overexercising, and supporting your body to recover) further improves the health of your body and your mental clarity.

The next layer to optimizing your health is developing your emotional intelligence to reach an elevated state. Let’s support your mind in creating your ideal day, week, month, year, and ultimately life.

Some questions to consider:

  • Who do you want to be each day?

  • How do you want to feel?

  • How do you want to interact with others?

  • What skills must you develop to move toward your ideal future?

  • How can you make a positive impact on your social circles?

I like to schedule time once per week (usually on a Sunday) to review the previous week and set clear intentions for the week ahead.

What we focus on determines how we feel. What we feel is our experience of life.

To help you with this, I created The Why-Health Clarity Blueprint.

Print The Why-Health Clarity Blueprint once per week or write the questions in your journal and set aside some time to fill it out. If you have trouble getting into a state of mind to actually sit and take the time to do this, that’s ok. Schedule it over and over in your calendar until it happens.

The key with this exercise is to write authentically from your heart. Not what your parents want or what your spouse wants. To help you get out of your head and tap into your heart, try one of the following:

Complete a short heart meditation - This is one of my favourites for beginners

Go for a walk or hike in nature

Turn on your diffuser with a few drops of Balance grounding blend

Make a cup of your favourite tea. Sit and sip it slowly.

Put on some peaceful music

Think about a positive time when things turned out the way you wanted them to and you felt the way you were hoping to feel. Re-live that experience and get into the energy of what that was like for you.

Once you are tapped into an elevated emotion from your heart, complete the blueprint.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What are you doing to step into your next level self? Share and let me know!