How To Grow Stronger Hair

How To Grow Stronger Hair

How do I grow thicker, stronger hair? This is a common question I would get when I worked at a health food and supplement store. While many people look to topical treatments to solve the problem, the state of your hair is often a reflection of the state of your digestion and circulation.

No matter the age or whether it's coloured or not, it's something men and women are typically concerned about. It makes me happy to see there is a shift happening where more and more people are becoming aware and conscious of what they're putting in their bodies as what we put in our bodies becomes the building blocks for what we see on the outside.

My top nutrient-dense foods for healthy hair are:

  • Pumpkin seeds - Rich in zinc, sulfur, beta carotene, and biotin. These compounds together help build strong hair. They're also a source of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and iron which provide nourishment to the hair follicle and scalp.

  • Dulse - Rich in Vitamin B6, B12, E, A, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iodine. This is a natural hair mineralizer, helps support a healthy thyroid (which also affects hair growth), and can be used as a salt alternative in its flaked form.

  • Radishes - Rich in Vitamin C, silica, and sulfur to nourish and build healthy hair. It also cuts and dissolves mucus in the body so nutrients can flow more freely throughout the body.

However, even if you're eating nutrient-dense foods and spending money on supplements and superfoods, if your digestion and circulation are poor then you won't adequately assimilate the majority of nutrients to use them.

If your digestion is poor, nutrients will pass through you without getting properly absorbed and assimilated. If your circulation is poor, nutrient-filled blood is not getting to your body's extremities, including your hair follicles. Hair can then become weak and brittle, fall out more frequently, or grow very slowly.

This is one of the many reasons why I love functional lab testing. One of the first tests I start my clients off with is a Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis, and not only does it show what specific nutrients the body currently needs, but there is also a page strictly dedicated to looking at circulatory function.

As you can see here, there are a variety of nutrients that are important for optimal circulatory function:


After incorporating foods into your diet that are rich in particular nutrients you are lacking, if you still aren't seeing significant changes, that's when we turn to analyzing the digestive tract. An intestinal permeability test and comprehensive stool analysis will determine if you have a damaged intestinal tract or an infection/imbalance in the gut which is preventing you from absorbing the nutrients you're putting in your body. Due to today's fast-paced, high-stress environment, the overuse of pesticides and antibiotics, and increased exposure to environmental toxins through our air, water, and food supply, this is something that is becoming increasingly common as the root cause of health problems. BUT, the good news is that once you know what the problem is, then you're able to follow a protocol to address it.

If functional lab testing is something you are interested in and you'd like to know more about it, I would love to hear from you. You can fill out my contact form here and I will be in touch within 24 hours.

Now Iā€™d love to hear about your experience with foods and nutrients beneficial for hair health! What have you tried to grow thicker, stronger hair? Did it help? Share and let me know!