How To Use Bee Pollen To Overcome Seasonal Allergies

How To Use Bee Pollen To Overcome Seasonal Allergies

During the Spring, plants and flowers start to blossom and show their beauty, but along with that can come seasonal allergies.

An allergy happens when the body develops an immune response to an allergen and creates antibodies. Antibodies recognize allergens and can activate certain receptors on immune cells to release histamine, resulting in symptoms of an allergic reaction (puffy eyes, runny nose, etc.).

Dr. Leo Conway, a medical doctor in Denver, Colorado reported that 94% of his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms once treated with bee pollen.

Bees collect pollen from local plants and flowers, and then bring the pollen back to the hive to be packed into granules. When consumed by humans, bee pollen granules reduce histamine, which is the same target many over-the-counter medications act upon. However, instead of producing negative side effects, bee pollen can give an instant energy and immune system boost. It is high in free amino acids ready to be used by the body, and is rich in B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, antioxidants, enzymes, and minerals.

Bee pollen can rid seasonal allergies within 4 weeks. To use bee pollen medicinally to ward off allergies:

•    Start with 1/4 tsp under the tongue once per day for one week. It takes approximately 5 minutes to fully dissolve under the tongue.

•    After one week, go up to 1/2 tsp once per day for one week.

•    Next, go up to 1 tsp once per day for one week.

•    Use 1 Tbsp once per day during the fourth week

When choosing a brand of bee pollen, buy as local as you can to ensure you're building up immunity to the plants in your area. A bottle with a variety of colours ensures it comes from a variety of plants, which improves the bee pollen's nutrient profile. It has a slight sweet flavor and can also be used for the maintenance of good health by adding it to smoothies, steel-cut oatmeal, or coconut yogurt. I often consume a spoonful with 1 tsp of coconut oil as a quick energy boost when I am on the go.

Now I’d love to hear from you. Have you tried incorporating bee pollen into your diet? What have you noticed? Share and let me know!