
Chocolate Bone Broth Smoothie

Chocolate Bone Broth Smoothie


1 cup coconut milk, or raw grass-fed milk

3 cubes frozen bone broth, (from bone broth poured into an ice cube tray and frozen)

1 scoop clean chocolate protein powder (I use Naked Nutrition or Equip Prime Protein)

1 scoop collagen powder

1 Tbsp nut or seed butter (almond, sunflower, cashew, etc)

1 tsp cacao powder

1 tsp bee pollen

1/2 cup frozen berries of choice (raspberries, blackberries, etc)

1 Tbsp raw honey, or pure maple syrup, (optional for sweetness)


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy

Pour into a large glass and enjoy