The science of epigenetics has discovered that up to 98% of our genetic expression is influenced by our environment.

Expanding evidence shows that our environment and nutrition play a key role in how we feel. This scientific field is known as epigenetics. A growing methodology for evaluating epigenetic expression is called resonance testing, where the human body is assessed at the energetic level, capturing the unique frequencies that emanate from the various components of the body’s cellular systems.

Assess and address nutritional imbalances and environmental stressors through epigenetic hair analysis

An innovative and compelling technology that has been developed in Europe for more than 15 years, is known as “epigenetic mapping” through hair root bulb analysis. The benefits of this include:

  • Offers a snapshot of one’s nutritional profile including levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and antioxidants, as well as an extensive evaluation on the immune, gut and circulatory systems. It also highlights environmental influences such as viruses, parasites, toxins and EMF exposure

  • Noninvasive, it utilizes the hair follicle to gain access to the cellular frequencies of the body

  • Complementary to conventional testing, it can observe conditions that are not always detected by traditional blood testing

  • An actionable, preventative wellness perspective with a key focus on foods to consume as well as foods to avoid

The Cell-Wellbeing S-drive uses hair root bulbs to map key epigenetic indicators

The Cell-Wellbeing S-drive scans the resonance from 4-6 hair root bulbs to capture over 800 underlying indicators. This data is used to produce a personalized nutritional report designed to help you understand your body’s biological stressors and needs

Why Get A Hair Analysis?

To book a Cell Wellbeing hair analysis, contact Breanne directly to arrange your appointment at Kelly’s Health Shop